Win Story

iSEEit enables AccessPay to improve deal qualification with MEDDPICC on Salesforce

AccessPay Thumbnail

Faced with the difficulty to properly qualify deals and identify gaps early in their sales process, AccessPay was looking for an app on Salesforce which could give them the insights in order to plan their next steps ahead of time and increase their close rate.

Wanting to deploy MEDDPICC on Salesforce across its sales teams in a consistent manner, AccessPay used the iSEEit Opportunity Management Tool to ensure a good MEDDPICC adoption rate, quick learning curve and to establish a common way to qualify their pipeline on Salesforce through the MEDDPICC lens.

By using iSEEit on Salesforce, AccessPay is now able to:

  • Score their opportunities based on evidence and determine if it should be in “commit”
  • Identify gaps early in the sales process to plan next steps
  • Ensure a good adoption rate of MEDDPICC

Download the Win Story and find out exactly how iSEEit has enabled AccessPay to improve their deal qualification on Salesforce.

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