Integrating MEDDPICC Into Sales Process

Essential Tips for Integrating MEDDPICC into Your Sales Process

Integrating MEDDPICC Into Sales Process

Congratulations on choosing MEDDPICC to improve forecast accuracy and closing deals effectively and with control.

Attending a course and upskilling your team with MEDDPICC theory is the start, but to join the ranks of successful businesses seeing the promised results, you need to bring MEDDPICC to life in the field.

To effectively integrate MEDDPICC into your sales process, strategic planning, resources, and continuous improvement are crucial.

Here are five essential tips for successfully embedding MEDDPICC into your sales process:

1. Involve managers in training and accountability

Leadership endorsement is vital for the successful integration of MEDDPICC into the everyday sales processes. However, an endorsement is just the start. The organisations where we have seen demonstrable success are those where the leaders and managers have actively participated in the training programme and the ongoing adoption.

Here are ways for leaders and managers to be involved:

Training participation: managers attend all MEDDPICC training sessions with their teams.

Role-playing scenarios: managers lead role-playing exercises, simulating real-deal scenarios and encouraging their teams to be curious about their accounts and opportunities.

Regular check-ins: weekly reviews between leaders and the sales team through the MEDDPICC lens, ensuring consistent application.

This level of involvement sets the tone for making MEDDPICC an integral part of the operational rhythm.

Watch this clip from a recent webinar which discusses the importance of leadership involvement in MEDDPICC adoption.

2. Plan for embedding success

Planning how you will embed the language will help to maximise training benefits.

Pre-training questions leaders should ask themselves:

1. How will we bring MEDDIC/MEDDPICC to life in the field?

2. How do we ensure teams use MEDDIC/MEDDPICC daily?

3. What resources can we use to accelerate our adoption?

Answering these questions, specifically about day-to-day operations and the use of resources, will boost success.

Without this operations and cadence plan, the success of the implementation, productivity, revenue, and cost are at risk. Training and embedding is not a one-and-done activity. It’s ongoing, and planning, training, and coaching are crucial.

3. Make MEDDPICC a habit

Successfully embedding MEDDPICC into daily working practice requires more than checkbox compliance. Leveraging it as a strategic tool to inform and refine your sales approach is where you will gain the true benefits.

Here’s how to integrate MEDDPICC into your workflow and wider business ecosystem:

Deal reviews: regularly evaluate opportunities using MEDDPICC in dedicated deal review meetings. This will ensure consistency and coaching opportunities.

Work real deals through MEDDPICC – starting with the foundations of every deal: M (Metrics), I (Identified pain), and C (Champion). You can then use these examples to discuss learning points and show each component’s relevance and value in progressing the deal.

CRM dashboard visibility: use dashboards to visualise MEDDPICC and offer real-time insights, fostering accountability and collaboration across the business ecosystem. Think of the CRM dashboard as a way to help qualify and progress deals – identifying risks that require action and helping to prioritise activity – don’t think of it as just a reporting tool.

Feedback loop: establish an organisation-wide feedback loop for sharing sales experiences and best practices: win/loss information, ideal customer profiles, customer success stories with Metrics. Sharing this information company-wide helps the whole organisation. For example, it will help marketing better understand effective strategies for engaging with potential customers and achieving customer success, and it will also help pre-sales teams focus on relevant customer challenges.

Templates and resources: use deal sheets, organisation charts and mutual success plans as part of your standard process. These guided templates help to reinforce the training and build muscle memory within the organisation.

Regularly sharing success stories underscores MEDDPICC’s positive impact on sales performance and fosters confidence and broader adoption

4. Use real deals to explore MEDDPICC

It takes effort and time to understand all the elements of MEDDPICC, several of which often need to be requalified as the deal progresses, such as the identification of the Champion. By examining real deals, sales teams can grasp the practical relevance of each component.

Take Champion as an example:

A Champion within the customer organisation is crucial for deal success. Here’s how a B2B tech company effectively identified and utilised a Champion in a complex deal:

During a sales opportunity with a large retail chain, the sales team identified an influential IT manager as their Champion. This Champion played a pivotal role by:

Navigating internal politics: helping the team understand decision-making dynamics and introducing them to key stakeholders, including the Economic buyer.

Validating value: advocating for the solution’s benefits internally, boosting credibility and trust.

Accelerating the Decision process: the champion pushed for quicker decision-making by highlighting the urgency and aligning internal resources.

By showcasing this example, teams learn how Champions can drive deal progression using the MEDDPICC framework. But, we need to ensure our teams understand how to identify and build Champions in their accounts. With their teams, managers can recap the definitions of a Champion from the training & use these definitions to test if the person tagged in the CRM as a Champion really is a Champion.

5. Communicate the successes – help the teams to understand the ‘why’ for them

A great way to get buy-in from a sceptical sales team to the value of MEDDPICC is to demonstrate what it can mean to them. Share case studies about specific wins and share information about the broader impact on the business. For example, an organisation struggled with low win rates and decided to implement MEDDPICC. Showing performance data before and after implementation can be pretty powerful.

Pre-Implementation data:
· Win rate: 25%
· Average deal size: £50,000
· Sales cycle length: 150 days

Post-implementation data (12 months later):
· Win rate: 40%
· Average deal size: £75,000
· Sales cycle length: 110 days

This data shows a significant improvement in win rates, average deal size, and reduced sales cycle length, resulting in the sales team hitting their targets.

Presenting the successes and the performance numbers to the sales team helps underscore the tangible benefits of adopting MEDDPICC, fostering greater buy-in and enthusiasm.

6. Finally, patience is key to evolution

Learning the theory of any qualification methodology is one thing. Applying it effectively in real sales opportunities is a different challenge. Even with access to all the post-course material and online resources that we provide at inspir’em, it takes time for a salesperson who is new to MEDDPICC to assimilate all the information from a training course.

It takes time for your organisation to build up the Metrics, success stories, and customer profiles that allow for the successful application of MEDDIC/MEDDPICC in sales cycles. Critically, it also takes time for coaching to feed into the daily operating rhythm.

Given these factors, when can you expect to realise the results of MEDDPICC training, coaching and usage?

Results can be seen quickly in the pipeline and customer outcomes; however, achieving full integration of MEDDPICC within the organisation can take up to 18 months. While this timeline may seem lengthy, the above strategies can help speed up and optimise the process.


Attending MEDDIC/MEDDPICC training is just the start. Integrating MEDDPICC into your sales process can lead to more consistent and enhanced deal forecasting.

Securing leadership buy-in, educating your team with comprehensive training, leveraging technology like CRM integration, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability can harness the power of this methodology to drive success.

Adaptation and refinement of your sales environment are key to successful integration. With strategic planning, regular reviews, ongoing support, and celebrating successes, you’ll be well on your way to mastering MEDDPICC and achieving sustained improvements in your sales performance.

This blog was written by iSEEit partner, the award-winning sales strategy, coaching and consultancy firm inspir’em.

Contact inspir’em to boost your sales and see your revenue grow as well as finding out more about their MEDDPICC courses and their inspir’em community.


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