MEDDIC Champion Checklist

Champions are crucial closing your deals, but many times at the end of the sales cycle you understand if you have a real champion with power and influence or just a coach that does not stand up and fight for your deal, Here is what you should look for.

Power & influence

Has a strong emotional IQ
Asks good qualifying questions, can come across almost too  interrogative at first, but only to learn and see if you can help.
Is respected by peers – Check what others say about the person or how they react in meetings when the person speaks up.
Knows how business is impacted – Is the person knowledgable on how business is impacted and how deals are done at your prospect?
Has a proven track-record of success – Has your potential champion led other projects or change streams before?
Has access to EB/ Higher stake holders – Does the person know hoe the EB is and has access to higher ranked stakeholders?

Personal Interest

Is clear on the why do anything – Is the person able to articulate on the impact of the uncovered pain and can quantify the impact on the business?
Shared motivation what needs to be addressed – Does the person inform you what criteria and requirements need to be addressed.
Describe personal motivation to tackle the issue/pain
Articulated required capabilities to tackle issue
Aligns DC criteria to your (unique selling points) – Did the person help you to influence decision criteria, when needed?

Relation developed

Have you and the potential champion established an honest 2 way communication
Openly shares why “your company” – Does the person openly share argumentation why your offering is unique to the prospect?
Provides information about competition
Helps on Metrics for Business justification
Educates you about roadblocks ahead
Plots Closing plan with you on joined deadline – Did you create a mutual action plan on what needs to be done to close the business.

Selling internally for you/ Progressions

Introduced you to new stake holders & resources
Proactively organized next steps through the decision process
Openly shares decision criteria and drives common understanding
Confirms & actively drives decision process with the various stake holders
Neutralizes Enemies – informs you and builds plan how to address any competitive threat
the perosn is audible ready on 3 WHYs – Why do anyhting, why your offering and why they should act now rather than later.

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