About Marija Mitrovic

This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Marija Mitrovic contributed a whooping 6 entries.

Entries by

Creactives’ Success Story: Transforming Sales Culture with iSEEit

In a rapidly growing scale-up, Creactives faced the need to streamline their sales processes, while fostering a common methodology that could unify their team’s language and approach. Their journey led them to explore MEDDIC, a powerful sales methodology together with iSEEit, designed to revolutionize the sales process within Salesforce,com. We had the privilege of sitting Read More

Empowering Success

How iSEEit Transformed Shift Media’s Deal Management In the dynamic world of sales, effective deal management is paramount for achieving success. Shift Media, a prominent player in their industry, took a remarkable turn when they discovered iSEEit and started using the powerful sales methodology called MEDDPICC. This is the inspiring story of how iSEEit revolutionized Read More

Mastering the Sales Pipeline: Close More Deals and Drive Growth

The challenge of Navigating your Pipeline Salespeople are often faced with the challenge of managing a complex sales pipeline with numerous prospects, leads, and deals in various stages of the sales cycle. Successfully navigating this pipeline can be time-consuming and challenging. By following a few key tips, salespeople can streamline their approach and increase their Read More